Looking for a partner
Age to 36
Race White/European; Hispanic
Other My ideal partner…how can you describe a person you never met, yet hoping very much to find one day. ..I would be very happy with someone who is kind, sincere, affectionate, open-minded, cariing, attentive. I envisage someone with a reasonably successful career, possibly with university degree, someone who might have been through rough times at some point in his life, yet it did not make him neither too cynical nor bitter. I imagine him to be slightly older than me, mature, with similar interests, yet not identical to mine, as we can learn from each other and grow together. Relationships take hard work, strong relationships take even harder work so my loved one will not take things for granted and be willing to work on a relationship, reward in the end will be enormous, for what is better than the feeling, that whenever you are, you never feel lonely because there is someone in the world who loves you?...
Personal message
Do not want to be seen as naïve or stupid, but in my hearts of hearts I am hopeless romantic. Love is many things to many people, but to me it is complete devotion and endless adoration. Why I am here? I guess I am driven by the innermost desire to find the man I most keenly have been waiting to enter my life, but never met yet. I do not know what his nationality, political views, place to live etc. will be like, but I know that he will allow me to share my vision of love with him, he will be happy to go with me for long walks along the beach, we will laugh and cry together, someone who will not be afraid to open up to me and remain himself. I think that strong feelings do not consist of dependency to a person nor of selfishness, on the contrary like all greatest things in life they cannot be seen or even touched and this is why we close eyes when we kiss, cry and dream… But at the same time I remain realistic and I understand that there is high chance of me not finding this person here, in such case I would welcome new acquaintances or friendships!
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